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Stick With The Process

This past Sunday at Gospel of Power Church in Brisbane Ps Esteban San Martin preached a powerful Faith message entitled “Stick With The Process”. We learned how the Apostle Peter took on the challenge of Jesus when he was told in Matthew 4:19 “Follow me and i will make you a fisher of men”, he Read more about Stick With The Process[…]

In Those Days

In Those Days

Acts 6:1
What awesome days those days in the book of Acts must have been. The Holy Spirit had been poured out on the day of Pentecost, 120 people were suddenly filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance. Peter preached the first New Testament sermon resulting in 3000 people being saved and baptised. There was a buzz and an atmosphere of the supernatural in Jerusalem. The church was growing, fellowshipping, thriving and the Lord was adding daily to the church those who should be saved. Those days were glorious days. Then in Acts 3 at the command of Peter, a paralysed man gets up and walks, Peter then preaches another sermon resulting in 5000 people getting saved. Now that’s church growth. In Acts 5 Peter’s shadow was healing people. Multitudes were being saved, healed and delivered as God was moving through His people with an explosion of His power. We need these days what they had in those days.
As a Pastor and a believer I long for the days we read about in the book of Acts to be a reality in the days we live in today.
There are three things which I call the three M’s that they had in those days that we need in these days if we are going to be an effective church in this generation.


Good News of Great Joy for All People


The true message of Christmas is that Jesus Christ came to this earth, born from a virgin to save the world. When the Angel of the Lord appeared to the Shepherds as they were tending the sheep on the night Christ was born, He declared to them that they were to not fear, for He said “I bring you good news, of great joy, for all people”. This message that the Angel gave to the Shepherds is the message of Christmas, it is Good news of Great Joy, to all people. Let’s look at each one of these points:
1. Good News: The birth of Jesus is Good News. Why? Because in verse 11 of Luke 2 it says “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord”. For those that are lost and held captive, to hear the news that a saviour is coming is Good News that brings hope. The word saviour means: deliverer, redeemer, one who saves from danger. This is why Jesus came to this earth, to save a lost and dying world, to deliver us from the bondage of satan and sin, to redeem us from an eternity in hell forever separated from God. Thanks be to God that a saviour was born and we can be saved. That is Good News.


God’s Word – The Perfect Standard


The most powerful book in the world is the Bible; the reason is because it contains the living word of God. Not only does it contain the word of God, it IS the word of God. 2 Timothy 3:16 says “All scripture is given by Inspiration of God and it is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction for instruction in righteousness”. In John 6:63 Jesus said “The words I speak to you they are spirit and life”. Therefore God’s word, written on pages has been breathed upon by the His Holy Spirit and thus when we read the word, it brings life transforming power to us. There is a power available to you just by reading the word of God.
God’s word should be the perfect standard by which we guide our lives. Romans 10:17, says “Faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God”.  2 Corinthians 10:7 says “For we walk by Faith and not by sight”. This is key to our understanding of the role God’s word should have in our lives daily. For if Faith comes by hearing the word, and we are told to walk by Faith, then we can say the following “For we walk (live our life daily) by the word of God and not by sight (our feelings).


Double Portion

Kings 2:9

When was the last time you asked God for something really big? As we are coming down to the final months of the year, I want to encourage you to ask God for big things. God is not up in heaven afraid that you will ask for something He cannot do. We know that all things are possible with our God and there is nothing too difficult for Him.

Before the Prophet Elijah was taken up into heaven, he turned around and looked at his protégé and said in verse 9 of 2 Kings 2, “Ask what i shall do for you, And Elisha said, I ask you, let a double portion of your spirit come upon me”. Verse 10 goes on to say “And Elijah said, You have asked a hard thing”. The word hard here means, great, big and so on. Notice that Elijah did not ask for one portion, he asked for 2 portions. This petition got Elijahs attention and it also got God’s attention. And we know in reading the life of Elisha that he received the double portion. Why? Because he was bold enough to step out and ask for it.
