Double Portion

Kings 2:9

When was the last time you asked God for something really big? As we are coming down to the final months of the year, I want to encourage you to ask God for big things. God is not up in heaven afraid that you will ask for something He cannot do. We know that all things are possible with our God and there is nothing too difficult for Him.

Before the Prophet Elijah was taken up into heaven, he turned around and looked at his protégé and said in verse 9 of 2 Kings 2, “Ask what i shall do for you, And Elisha said, I ask you, let a double portion of your spirit come upon me”. Verse 10 goes on to say “And Elijah said, You have asked a hard thing”. The word hard here means, great, big and so on. Notice that Elijah did not ask for one portion, he asked for 2 portions. This petition got Elijahs attention and it also got God’s attention. And we know in reading the life of Elisha that he received the double portion. Why? Because he was bold enough to step out and ask for it.

I believe the time of small prayers and asking for small things are over. Let’s be bold and get out of our comfort zone and dare to ask God for Double. This is the kind of prayer that gets His attention. It shows Him that we believe he is a big God, that He can do big things and that He is not limited to do whatever we can believe Him for.

Let’s a have a look at the prayer of Jabez, a big prayer, it says in 1 Chronicles 4:10 “And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, Oh that you would bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that your hand might be with me, and that you would keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me! And God granted him that which he requested”.  This is a double portion, big prayer. Notice what it says at the end, and God granted him what he requested.

God can do the same for you and me if we would only believe. Begin to ask God for a double portion breakthrough in your family, in your physical body, in your finances, in your employment, your faith. Do not limit God by a limited prayer. As we come to the end of this year, believe that you will receive a double portion over your life and family.

For our Church, let’s all come together believing and asking God to pour out a double portion blessing over our Church and in every area of the Church. Let’s pray for a double increase and double growth. Let’s ask for a double portion of signs, wonders and miracles. That God will bless us indeed and enlarge us for His glory.

I encourage you today to start praying for double, start praying for big things, start praying and believing for the fulfilment of your dreams and visions to come to pass soon and very soon over your life.

May God say to us, like Elijah said to Elisha “You have asked for a great thing” and may He grant us our request like He did towards Jabez. Blessed.

Ps Esteban.